Select Recruitment main activity is serving schools. Our mission is simply to provide schools with high quality professional teachers. We do this by providing good teachers with a competetive rate of pay, paid promply. We offer them the flexibility an individual school may not on its own be able to offer.
Select Recruitment a prompt and efficient service for schools. We provide timely cover solutions. Our assignments vary from single half days to the placement of full time staff on behalf of the School.
Our Service Has the Following Characteristics:
- Cover with a single telephone call.
- Prompt response to all calls
- Access to the subject specialists you need
- A regularly updated database of local teachers
- A single accurate timesheet for all staff each week
- A minimum of paperwork
- We aim to save cover co-ordinators time while our competetive pricing structure will save your school money.
All Our Teachers Undertake the Following Checks:
- Identity checks and face to face interview on all teachers also upon booking schools are forwarded a picture of all supply teachers.
- Full qualifications or QTS checks with the DFE on all applicants where appropriate.
- All our teachers are checked against a DFE database to ensure they are not prohibited from teaching.
- References: All teachers from this agency will have provided two references from previous employment to check for conduct, health, effectiveness and attendance.
- List 99 checks. We ensure that all our teachers are checked against list 99 (barred teachers) which is held by teachers pensions. Candidates are also checked against disciplinary orders held by the DFE.
- Criminal records. Anyone applying to teach is exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 we ensure all our candidates undergo enhanced Disclosure checks with the Disclosure and Barring Service.
- Health. Physical and mental fitness to teach.
- Permission to work additional checks is carried out on foreign nationals coming into the area. Details of all checks are available upon request by head teachers and managers.
- Safe guarding level one training is offerred to all our workers in the education sector.
- Disqualification by Association. All teachers teaching children 8 years old and younger are checked to ensure there is no evidence of disqualification by association